bg视讯 Assistant Director 迈克Rezny to Speak at Urban Soils Conference on 12/6/2018

November 3, 2018

迈克Rezny, bg视讯’s Assistant Director of Open Space Greening, will give a presentation entitled “Delivering Urban 农业” at this year’s Urban Soils Symposium, hosted by 的 NYC Urban Soils Institute

Mike’s presentation will cover local commercial soil compositions, an overhead view of 的 material needed to build urban agriculture in New York Coty, 和更多的. Mike will also moderate an afternoon panel entitled “Urban Soils of 的 City: in在这里nt, 改变, 进口, 出口, 有弹性的.”

The 2018 Urban Soils Symposium takes place on December 6-7 at 的 New York Institute of Technology on 的 Upper West Side. 更多的 information about 的 conference is available 在这里

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